Google Family Link Download APK For Android & iOS, Google Family Link App is a parental control app to help families establish a healthy digital habit. It allows parents to manage their child’s device usage, location, and privacy settings. The app allows users to set digital ground rules, set screen time limits, guide children to age-appropriate content, manage and secure their account, and stay connected on the go.
The tools available in Family Link differ depending on the device, and some tools require your child to approve app updates, previously approved apps, or apps that are shared in the Family Library. Parents should regularly monitor their child’s installed apps and app permissions in Family Link. To view your child’s device location, their device needs to be turned on, recently active, and connected to the internet through cellular data or Wi-Fi.
Family Link parental controls are only available for supervised Google accounts, which let kids have access to Google products such as Search, Chrome, and Gmail. While Family Link offers tools to help parents manage their child’s online experience and stay safer online, it does not make the internet safe. Parents can make decisions about how their child spends time on their device and determine the best path to online safety for their family.
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With Google Family Link, you can create accounts for your kids and set limits on how they use their smartphones. You can even choose which apps your kids can download and use via your own smartphone: You might deny WhatsApp access in the afternoon or block shopping apps altogether.
Google Family Link also allows the user to see their activity and get periodic reports showing their time spent on their smartphones and specific apps. This information helps manage their time more effectively and advises them about responsible technology and social network use. Another advantage of using Google Family Link is its ability to keep parents informed about their children’s location at all times.