Telegram Plus APK For Android & iOS, Telegram Plus APK, or Plus Messenger, is an unofficial messaging application that offers an improved user experience with more features and customization options. The main features include a customizable interface, multi-account support, enhanced chat management, increased limits, advanced message handling, privacy features, an improved notification system, and media and file sharing.
Telegram Plus has gained a lot of popularity, with more than 50 million downloads and the ability to support more than 20 languages. It is designed for Android devices running Android 4.4 (KitKat) or higher and is free to use without ads. Users can customize the app’s theme, colors, and sizes, allowing for a personalized messaging experience.
Among these features are the provision to hide phone numbers in chats and notifications when screenshots are taken, improved notification systems, adjusting photo quality before sending, and giving more control to users over video compression settings.
Telegram Plus is a strong alternative to the official Telegram app, introducing a wide range of enhanced functionality and customization. However, data privacy and security practices can be suspicious, since this is an unofficial app.